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Magical Tales from the South Seas

Type :
Livres CDNon disponible
Set in the paradise of the South Seas, Stevenson tells his tales of magic and spirits, where incredible things can happen. In The Isle of Voices meet Kalamake, the wizard of Molokai, Hawaii, who transforms seashells into dollars! Find out what happens to Keola, who is brutally tricked by Kalamake and escapes to a deserted island, only to find cannibals... The Beach of Falesà is a thrilling tale of taboos, treachery, devils, island magic and two people who find love. -Wide range of activities practising the four skills -PET-style activities -Trinity-style activities (Grades 4/5) -Dossiers on The History of Money, The Eight Islands: Hawaii and Copra -Internet projects -Text recorded in full -Exit test with answer key
Où le trouver ?
Très en retard 1er étage - Adultes - Romans ANG STE fac